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Rant Wednesday: Only Real Women have Breasts February 3, 2010

Posted by MJ in Rant Wednesday.
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This is old news by now, but I meant to write about it last week and forgot.  Of course if you haven’t heard the news, Australia has placed a “ban” on women with small breasts from appearing in adult publications.  At this point, I’ve heard around the internet that it may or may not be a hoax.  But to be honest I haven’t seen any confirmation either way (but if anyone has any, then do share).  Hoax or not, this is an important topic worthy of a Rant Wednesday.

If you didn’t know already, Australia is very tough in fighting child pornography.  Normally this would be a good thing, but the way the Aussies are going about it just leaves you scratching your head (link is best not viewed at work or public computers).  Granted, drawn depictions are obscene but those characters aren’t even real.  No one was exploited.

And it’s not just small breasts or lolicon that’s gotten the axe, depictions of female ejaculation have as well.  Female ejaculation has been banned on the basis that it is a form of urination (they also ban watersports in Australia too) and that it’s just lewd.

What message is this sending women?  That you’re a pedophile’s dream if you are not gifted in the T&A department?  That your ejaculation during orgasm (and there are women who experience this) is somehow unnatural and disgusting?  Nevermind that men ejaculate too and pedophiles are probably not going to be looking up “simulated” child pornography (which, really, ageplay is closer to that than a woman with small tits).

More importantly what message is this sending to other nations?  Not only are they imposing these laws on a regulated industry (Hustler is one of the publications banned) but they have established their own “Great Firewall” and imposing restrictions on Australian internet users by blacklisting websites deemed unacceptable.  So what if other nations take this example?  It’s Orwellian.

With all the time and effort they’re putting into their censorship laws, it seems like they could be using that energy for something more productive.  Like, I don’t know, catching real sex offenders.

tl;dr I know slippery slope arguments are never the most logical, but this seems like something that can and, perhaps, could get worse.

You can find more of wacky (and sometimes downright puritanical) Australian censorship on Somebody Think Of The Children.


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